One of the strategic objectives of Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) for 2019-2022 is to strengthen the capacity of the network to support health research. To address this objective, the PNHRS Capacity Building Committee (CBC) created the Collaborative Research and Capacity Building Initiative which will integrate the capacity building efforts of the implementing agencies, regional consortia, and member institutions. Harmonizing the efforts in research capacity will result in better use of resources which will contribute to the development of evidence-informed health decisions, programs, and policies.
The Collaborative Research and Capacity Building Initiative has the following objectives:
- Promote partnership and collaboration among researchers/research and development institutions in health research capacity building;
- Harmonize R&D capacity building efforts through interregional and interdisciplinary collaborative research;
- Optimize resources for health R&D capacity building programs for researchers and research and development institutions; and
- Develop more relevant and quality health researches aligned with National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) and Regional Unified Health Research Agenda.
Priority Areas for Funding
For its initial phase, the initiative accepts proposals on control and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and schistosomiasis.
The program must have at least 2-3 of the following research project components: (1) clinical/epidemiology/diagnostics, (2) use of ICT, (3) health social science, and (4) health policy and systems research.
Minimum Requirements for the Proposals
All proposals submitted for funding must comply with the following requirements:
- Must involve the Research and Development Institution’s (RDI) or Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) faculty/researcher and early career scientists
- Must include a mechanism for sharing of resources (expertise, data/information, facilities) for research
- Must be collaborative, interregional, and interdisciplinary, involving 2-3 RDIs/HEIs through letter of support or willingness to collaborate
- Must include plans for research dissemination, utilization, and translation
- Duration: 1-2 years (PNHRS implementing agencies and counterpart implementing RDIs/non-RDIs shall provide funding for approved proposals for 1-2 years, subject to monitoring and evaluation and annual review)
Who may submit
Principal investigators must be a Filipino with at least a Master’s Degree in a relevant field and employed in universities/colleges, research agencies/institutes, hospitals, and other health related agencies who are members of the Central Luzon Health Research and Development Consortium (CLHRDC) are eligible to apply for the research grant.
How to submit
Interested lead proponents must submit their capsule proposals using the DOST-PCHRD forms to CLHRDC.
Deadline of submission of capsule proposal to consortium is on or before June 30, 2020.
**Qualified capsule proposals will be endorsed by the CLHRDC concerned to PNHRS CBC secretariat. The successful proponents will be invited to join a write-shop for the development of the full proposal.
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